dennis crowley :: portfolio
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At its simplest, is a city guide built around the concept of user-generated content. Think, except reviews are written by a community of users rather than a staff of professional reviewers. The site currently spans 10 cities with the help of thousands of users who generate in excess of 120,000 page views/month.

The site has since morphed into my own personal playground for product development. It is a captive audience at my disposal - thousands of users to whom I can build and deploy new tools, new functionality, new toys. A glance at this portfolio will show how most of my spare time and excess creative energy has been spent creating content and functionality to be rolled out to users.

I have extensively used dodgeball to experiment with different methods of delivering content to mobile devices, such as Palm organizers and cellular phones. Thus, there are currently four flavors of
  • The website -

  • WAP site - Allows database of listings, addresses and reviews to be accessed via mobile phones with embedded web browsers. In addition, dodgeball.circles - the wireless community service - is available via the WAP site. Visit on your mobile phone.

  • Palm VII PQA - Enables's database of listings and reviews to be accessible via wireless Palm OS devices (Palm VII, Omnisky). If you have a Palm VII or a still-working Omnisky sled, click here to download the PQA.

  • AvantGo channel - AvantGo's product allows users to download content from web sites to their mobile devices for review offline (e.g. read the front page of the New York Times while on the subway). The dodgeball AvantGo channel does the same - moving a day's worth of new content - listings and user reviews - to one's mobile device. If you are an AvantGo user, click here to subscribe to the channel.

© 2002 dennis crowley